Millennium Challenge Account, Burkina Faso
Project consulting:
In August 2011 INPROCON GmbH was commissioned to support the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) in Burkina Faso in the following activities: Installation of project management and control systems (PMCS), implementation of a quality control system, preparation of the project budget, review of the contracting procedures, contract administration and the contract document system, legal and contractual matters.
This project was concluded by INPROCON.
The US government founded the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to run a new program for foreign aid. The MCC and the government of Burkina Faso (GOBF) signed an agreement for establish a program to reduce poverty. The Millennium Challenge Account – Burkina Faso (MCA-BF) strives to achieve infrastructure for transportation, including refurbishment and the development of main roads with bitumen surfaces, refurbishment and construction of rural roads and improve road maintenance.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ - German Development Corporation)
Contract value:
US$ 480 Mio
Executing company: