Cement Production Facility Sindri & Jamul, India
Project consulting:
In July 2014, INPROCON was commissioned with supporting the project management in the expansion of two cement factories in Sindri and Jamul, India, among other things with determining the current construction progress and coordination of the schedule with the building management, previewing and regularly updating the completion dates, as well as developing measures to safeguard and improve the construction progress and the completion date.
The project was completed by INPROCON.
The project encompasses the expansion of two cement factories in ongoing operation:
Sindri (Jharkhand Province, India), consisting the construction of two cement mills (180 t/hour vertical mill) with their silos, and Jamul (Chhattisgarh Province, India) with a production capacity for clinker cement of 9,000 t/day.
Contract value:
Executing company: